The ROAMies Podcast

Immunity - Part 2- Boosting your Body to Fight Disease

The ROAMies Season 2 Episode 38

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Information and statements regarding certain dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or health condition. Content on our podcast is for reference purposes only and is not intended to substitute for advice given by a physician, pharmacist or other licensed healthcare professional. You should not use this information as self-diagnosis or for treating a health problem or disease. Contact your health-care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem.

All that to say, I (Alexa) am an ACE certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor with a specialty in sports nutrition, so today’s topic is something I’m super passionate about and SO excited to talk with you about today. Not only because of what we might possibly face with COVID-19, but just in your day to day life. Today we’re going to talk about our immune systems. And in order to be on the go and travel the world and take car of our families- we have to to be our healthiest selves and it’s never too late to start.

Building immunity by first building a healthy gut is not necessarily the first thing that comes to mind, but it's of huge importance. To build a healthy gut, a few things like
Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Fermented Foods can help get your gut fit to fight viruses and other critters that seek to weaken your immune system.

Fermented foods like sourdough starter, sauerkraut or kimchi are not only healthy for your gut biome, but when thinking about stocking up on food during a time of crisis, these items can last a long time AND they have healing properties, so they are a much better choice to have on hand for emergencies, instead of highly processed foods.  Processed foods are often laden with unhealthy additives, preservatives, sugars, fats, and too much sodium. 

Hear our episode on how to get FREE online entertainment -including books and magazines on health benefits, plans and recipes. Even Hoopla provides workouts to keep you fit and healthy. Learn all about them here!


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Alexa and Rory
The ROAMies
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spk_0:   0:00
select ins or can make you feel bad now along those lines and and more on the offensive side. So I kind of want to move now to things that are more off, not offensive,

spk_1:   0:10
offensive. Besides staying six feet away from sugar and each other. Yes, it

spk_0:   0:15
is how you build up your body from the inside out. So that's why I feel like it's offensive because you're coming from the inside out. And these are things that feed your your body and help it fight. So one of the main things is to get a healthy gut. And so the way that you can do that, um, is, um, like bone broth and chicken soup. You know, chicken soup is like that whole thing. Okay, so a lot of that comes from bone broth, bone broth that can help with a healthy gut. Now you just talked about flower. But in Dr Gondry's book, he is allowing if you are gonna eat bread to eat sour dough and um, you can fermented foods and things like sour dough,

spk_1:   1:01
because sorrows,

spk_0:   1:02
kimchi, sauerkraut, those types of fermented foods, we just went to the sour dough bread festivals or

spk_1:   1:09
so I've been bread making, Yes,

spk_0:   1:12
but that can help your gut. And it can also reduce the gluten, the impact of gluten on your body. And so, um, because Rory's been making all this sour dough bread, he's going to start selling sour dough Starter. So

spk_1:   1:25
you guys, if you are interested in getting a little started here and and that's

spk_0:   1:32
great because you know it'll give you not only give you an activity to do while you're stuck at home, but it also is a great way. Thio. If you're concerned about food shortage or you're

spk_1:   1:43
concerned about swords being

spk_0:   1:45
close, you can just make your own bread at

spk_1:   1:47
home and pancakes, biscuits and brownies. Yeah, all kind of stuff. Flatbreads.

spk_0:   1:53
So So anyway, So we can help. But that soured. Oh, those fermented types of things can really help your gut. Now. We don't have a food shortage or anything like that in our country, and I noticed, like when I was trying to stock up on some essentials and, you know, getting my backup stash. I was tempted to buy stuff that I would not normally eat because it's gonna last for two years or whatever and we are not in a food crisis. So don't let this be an excuse to buy packaged, packaged and processed foods, especially if you don't normally eat them like just buy stuff that's going to be good for you. And that's gonna help you fight off viruses and disease, because that stuff will not help you, and it won't build your immunity so by healthy stuff. And fermented foods like sour dough, bread or sauerkraut or kimchi are going to last a long time. And a lot of those fermented foods can help your gut and a health. Your immune system starts in your gut, so it's really important to have a healthy gut. And so probiotics are really good, uh, supplement that you can take and probiotics as well.

spk_1:   3:32
And even some some enzymes

spk_0:   3:35
enzymes help break down your food, and so they can help in that sense. But a lot of times we don't think about probiotics as being a huge immune booster. Sometimes you don't think about probiotics is being a huge immune booster, but they they are. They helped protect and keep the help with the good bacteria.

spk_1:   3:57
Keep a healthy flora in your gut

spk_0:   4:00
and when your gut is healthy, it is so much easier for the rest of your body to be healthy. So we would say Start there now. Other. Another huge, huge supplement that I would recommend is vitamin C. What is wonderful about vitamin C is that you can take a lot of it. If your body does not need it, you will just flush it out so you can not do too much vitamin C. What we recommend, especially right now, is to do 4000 milligrams a day, and you do that by taking it throughout the day. So you'll do 1000 milligrams at a time.

spk_1:   4:37
You dressed her kidney reliever or anything like that, right? Your body, whatever. Whatever

spk_0:   4:41
you don't need. If your body does not need that much vitamin C, you will just flush it out. So, um, so there's a couple ways to do that. But just, you know, your normal vitamin and things like that, um,

spk_1:   4:54
bottom and seek crystals. My mom swears by

spk_0:   4:57
Yeah, vitamin C crystals Airway. To get that. Amla is a very potent, very great source of vitamin C. It is a antioxidant. It's like, um, just like it's an antioxidant just like your Berries. And so, like a ce faras, your diet Berries are super super helpful for your immune system. So you're raspberries and your Blackberrys. Those types of Berries, um, are a really high source of antioxidants are gonna help with vitamin C. They're gonna help with vitamin B 12 B. I'm sorry. They're gonna help with vitamin B 17 which we're gonna talk about in a minute.

spk_1:   5:38
I'm very stew.

spk_0:   5:40
So am law or omelet. Am l. A is one of those antioxidants that are great to take and they're just kind of a stronger source of antioxidants. Vitamin C. Ah, but vitamin C. I have seen that when I take that, it helps knock out colds. It helps knock things out very quickly. We're gonna talk about vitamin C a little bit more in a minute. Um, something else that has been magic for me in my immune system. When I am like and OK, Rory, before we talk about any more of these vitamins, the whole reason I want to mention vitamins is because I was at a show one time. I was talking to a lady afterwards, and I'm sorry, I don't remember her name. But she wrote out all of these supplements that she recommended that I take because I kept. I told somehow that it came up in conversation. I was like, Yes, I am constantly getting Sinus issues and constantly having to take Sinus medicine and doing all this stuff because I can tell my immune system shot and all this stuff, and that's how my body is taking it on. Sometimes I get cold sores and that kind of thing and so or fever, blisters. And, um so she said, Here, take this. This and that. She she wrote down vitamins for me to take. She had also written down no knee juice I'd never heard of No, no juice. So we bought no need juice and I God, I ended up getting supplements. I got that. What she told me I got what she told me. I started implementing that into my routine, and I fought off everything. Like I didn't have Sinus issues after that. It was crazy, and I was like, Oh, my goodness, My body was not getting the nutrients that it needed to fight off the disease. And yes, of course I need to change and make sure I'm getting enough sleep in all of that like you can change your lifestyle. You don't want to just substitute it with bad habits with substitute pills for that. But, um, her giving me that advice I just started taking, and then I realized I don't necessarily have to buy no only juice or whatever, But if I am taking vitamins and if I am supplementing my diet because, like for certain things, you'd have to eat £5000 of broccoli to get the same aunt accidents of then just one pill,

spk_1:   8:06
right, who wants to smell that when they're cooking? So I want

spk_0:   8:09
broccoli. So what I'm saying is, sometimes our food doesn't have as much doesn't our soil is not his riches that used to be. So we just don't get all the nutrients from the food like we used to, or is concentrated and and so right now, especially in this season that we are all facing right now, it's important to boost our immune systems. And so in my experience, having those supplements boosted me and I was able to not worry about that, and then I was able to tell when my immune system was starting to decrease? Yes, Now I can tell. Oh, you know what? My immune system's down. I wasn't able to know that before because I didn't know

spk_1:   8:52
it was always. It

spk_0:   8:53
was always down, and I didn't know the difference. So once it's supplemented myself, boosted and just like, make sure I'm eating healthy, then, um, I was able to notice a difference and know what types of things that helped me. So Vitamin C is one of those huge things that I highly recommend. Especially right now, while we're all fighting stuff, get your vitamin C now. Another thing that has been magic magic. I don't know what's magic about it, but carrot juice. There's something magic about carriages. Any time we would be on the road nonstop like cause are traveling has changed a little bit recently. But when we were kind of just a lot more nonstop, I would drink carrot juice and, like instantly feel better. There's something magic about it, and there is sure could be. That must be it. Maybe doesn't Maybe it only works for redheads, but there is something about carrot juice. You can also read how it helps with cancer. Um, there is a group called How 1,000,000 Acres and Their Whole Premises. If you eat what God designed, which is basically a plant based diet, um, then you won't ever get sick. And they carrot juice is a huge proponent to their diet. They do barley grasses and grasses, but carrot juice. And that's when I first learned about carrot juice was through them and when I started adding carrot juice or when my immune system was feeling down and I'd drink carrot juice. So it's not magic about that. So I highly recommend carrot juice if you get it. Certain ones. If you get it fresh, it's usually sweet, and then it tastes good, but usually, like if it's on the shelf and it's a shelf version, it's not a sweet.

spk_1:   10:33
They're not all created equal. So, you know, write a brand you really like summer really good and others were like, uh,

spk_0:   10:39
yeah, so if you try some until I would recommend first trying it in, like the fresh areas of your produce section Fresh Yes. Okay, so we've gone on for a while, so I'm going to try to go very fast. Other things. Other supplements that are more offensive. Right? You Kenbrell use your body with these supplements. Silver Colloidal Yes, elderberry vitamin D three. I have a whole podcast on vitamin D three on my chick chat podcast, which is my podcast for teenage girls. I talk about how much that helps to Merrick helps with inflammation, and when you can reduce inflammation in your body, that can help reduce pain and a lot of disease. So sometimes adding turmeric helps. Um, e C G. C is green tea. Green tea is a huge antioxidant that really helps fight off critters. Zinc is really like zinc. You want to do think it helps your body helps You mean system fight off invading bacteria and viruses.

spk_1:   11:42
You feel something coming on?

spk_0:   11:43
Yeah. So zinc is found in in April Kat seeds. Now, apricot seeds are the highest form of B 17. If I talk to someone who has cancer or I read about cancer, this is when I run into a prick Ott seeds and they seem magic. Um, yes, and you're cancer free. The thing about apricot seeds is that they have B 17. They have sink, but you more is not better. In the case of a brick, Ott seeds on DSO because they do have some cyanide in there. Oh, yes. Now what cyanide can do If you have, like, a tumor or something like that, it can help decrease the size of that tumor. Um, so you only need, like, you just need a one seed because the seed is going to have one apricot seed is going to have enough b 17 to do what you wanted to do and to build your immune system.

spk_1:   12:41
Yeah, it seems like the bag I had at one time said eat one or two at the most or something like,

spk_0:   12:45
Yeah, that's all you need. So remember, with any of these supplements eating them or is not necessarily better. So make sure you read the package instructions. The label instructions,

spk_1:   12:56
your own research.

spk_0:   12:58
Yes, all of that. But B 17 is really cool because it stimulates your immune system by increasing the production of pancreatic enzymes, and they destroyed the harmful properties within your body. And B 17 also can help someone's white blood cells attack the harmful cells and it can help the body experience more detox effects. And that's gonna help rid your body of toxins and malignant cells and other potentially harmful substances before they can cause illness or chronic diseases

spk_1:   13:27
like cancer Fighter.

spk_0:   13:28
Yeah, it is. And so it's really great. And so what's great about the apricot seeds is that they have the zinc in them and the B 17. Now you can also get Big 17 from nuts and seeds. And again, like I said, the blackberries and raspberries, alfalfa leaves and sprouts, sweet potatoes, leafy greens. Leafy greens also have lice scene. So let me tell you about so remember I mentioned that I get fever, blisters and cold sores when my immune ever since I was a kid ever since. Like if I

spk_1:   13:57
ever used to get fever, blisters quite a lot. You and your sister?

spk_0:   14:00
Yeah, like all the time, right? And so again, that was something where I learned Oh, if I nip this in the bud like if I can tell my immune system's down and I take some life seen right then it helps to go away faster or sometimes not even developed

spk_1:   14:17
the people.

spk_0:   14:17
Yes. So as I was creating this list of things for today's podcast. I was like, You know what? They say there aren't virus fighting things, But what if life scene? Because the cold sores come from a virus, Right? So what if this life seen helps viruses? And I did a little bit of fun of research? Yes, helps. And guess what it does. Oh, so take life scene. Because right now we're trying to fight a virus. It's not going to harm you. It's an amino acid. Ah, Lot of times we have our bodies need essential amino acids. That means we can only get them from diet. Our body is not gonna produce it on its own. And so we need to get it from outside sources. So it is OK to take amino acids, um, are gunning. You probably don't want to take as much right now, but life scene is one that you can add in supplement to your diet that can help fight off viruses. So other vitamins, Vitamin e, vitamin a, vitamin B six.

spk_1:   15:18
I'm a big fan of the bottom.

spk_0:   15:19
Yes, Well, yeah, and I'm vegetarian. And so I only get B 12. If I take it as a supplement, you can also find B 12 in a, um, pill? No. Yes, in nutritional list. Okay, but be 12. Helps with your energy. And so those VI vitamins help with your nervous system, but be six specifically can help with your immunity. So and the leafy greens is a great way to get all of these vitamins. Like just if you eat the whole clean like a whole food, it's you, me clean diet. Mm. Get rid of a lot of the icky stuff. The process stuff

spk_1:   15:58
six feet away from salt sugar.

spk_0:   16:00
Then you're going to help boost your immune system. But hopefully some of these supplements and on list them in the show notes. And again, you need to check with your doctor. You need to read the packaging, but the's air supplements that have helped me fight might help me build my immune system and keep viruses and disease away. Yes, so, um, and also keep in mind, there's things like Econ Nation and Rose hips. You confined airborne like those types of things. They're great to take it the onset or or beforehand. Now emergency and e boost are things that you could take daily. Now, emergency is they have packets of vitamin C. That's 1000 milligrams. So you could do for emergency packets throughout your day. Just be careful. They emergency usedto have one that had Loesch lower no sugar. They do have sugar on them. So you have to kind of, like, way that out. And so just be aware of that. Rory and I love e boost. We're gonna put show notes to that and e boost. Right now, they've given us a code that for me it's still is working. If you use code the Romeo the Rome ease at checkout, you can get, I think, 20% off. So e boost is a packet of that helps your immunity, your mood and a lot of

spk_1:   17:19
us need a mood lifter right now. Also sugar in it

spk_0:   17:23
and it's got all your B 12. It's got a ton of vitamin C. And so

spk_1:   17:28
who, bro? Zenit's got resveratrol? Yeah, something five. What's that?

spk_0:   17:33
Teach tete? No.

spk_1:   17:34
Oh. Anyway, a lot of good stuff. Your brain and things also.

spk_0:   17:39
Yeah, um so that is that is a supplement that has a good variety of things that we like to take only one a day, though be careful. You don't want to Just take again. Five vitamins. Five multi vitamins throughout the day because you don't want to overdo like vitamin A.

spk_1:   17:56
For example, vitamins will stress your kidney or liver,

spk_0:   17:59
right? Right. So be sure that if you're going to do vitamin C four times a day, that it's only vitamin C, Right? Right. Um, and you can take your vitamin C with your life. Seen those help each other, absorb better and be more effective. And And you can also study different. Like this supplement goes with this one and helps it absorb faster. Or, like, you know, iron would see.

spk_1:   18:19
You know, I've found recently Mike in my multi vitamin supplement that I really enjoy a whole food supplement. Meaning, like one that is food based, right? And you don't have to take it with food. You could just take it by itself. It won't make you nauseated because most of your multivitamin with the market Yeah. If you don't eat something with them, they will make you nauseated.

spk_0:   18:38
Yes. So do not take vitamins on an empty stomach unless you're advised to like the life seen. For example, the life seen by itself. You can take on an empty stomach because it says Take in between meals

spk_1:   18:49
and these vitamins I have. Now the new multi bottoms are getting them. Where their food on Bennet's capsules Yes, great.

spk_0:   18:56
So Mega food is a brand that provides food based, um, supplements. And then the one that Rory is taking is garden of life. So, um, if it is a food based supplement, it should not make your stomach upset when you take them. But if you do, but pretty much everything else you want to make sure that you take with food. Okay, But again, read those instructions on the packaging. Now there's other things that we can do besides taking supplements. And, um, do you want to make that part, too? I think we could just keep going. Uh, there's other things that we can do. So this is a big one. Decreasing stress,

spk_1:   19:38
Big One.

spk_0:   19:38
So again, use this time when you're stuck at home when things were low key. When you don't have to be around people as much. I mean, you have to be around her family, but on

spk_1:   19:49
if they stress you out, I'm sorry. Maybe

spk_0:   19:51
you can find ways to just go take a walk or, you know, have your alone time somehow. Make sure you you prioritize some alone time, but, um, de stress And this is also a great time to de clutter, to refocus, to get your house the way you've always wanted it. Catch up on things. Focus on your family. Reason. Yes, all of those things, like catch up with those things, Do your projects around the house. But let this time be a time where you just de stress you can't go to all your activities. So embrace that and enjoy it. And use this time to really decrease the stress in your life. Because stress is a huge proponent of disease

spk_1:   20:36
dressed in anxiety,

spk_0:   20:37
make sure you're exercising. Make sure your journaling praying. Talk with friends, you know, even if it's through Skype or on the phone. Have your friend time. Lots of laughter. Um, for those of you who are married, a small study shows that regular sex increases increases levels of the illness fighting protein immunoglobulin a wow. So just saying, um, your lymphatic system is where your immune system rests, so the way other ways to build your immune system, Our body brushing. You get a body brush and you brush in circular motions. Uh, especially in your lymph node areas. And body brushing will help keep your lymphatic system circulating. Well,

spk_1:   21:26
directly on the skin.

spk_0:   21:28
Yes, you body brush your skin. It is great for your lymphatic system. Which is your immune

spk_1:   21:33
system? The same article with sex thing? No. Okay.

spk_0:   21:36
Different things. So got a body brush. And then if you can get a little mini trampoline and hop on the mini trampoline that is also going to stimulate your lymphatic system and get your circulation going. And again, that's why exercise is so important.

spk_1:   21:49
That was obviously the same article. The trampoline.

spk_0:   21:52
Yeah. Now, huh? Sorrow could be. I mean, if

spk_1:   21:56
you want

spk_0:   21:56
to check that out anyway, so make sure you're exercising. But if you can get on that trampoline, that mini trampoline that's going to help stimulate that lymphatic system that you've got to get your circulation going. So

spk_1:   22:11
there's a huge him? Yes, zygomatic here. I see.

spk_0:   22:15
Yes. So those are some things that we hope will help you get some good needed.

spk_1:   22:24
Get so bad place, we're gonna put a Children's song in here for you. So it's time you could let the Children back in the room now. Wow. All right, Roy. So she is. I've told her for years that she should do Children's music because she writes, These little hookey biddies are just She just sings them to the cats or whatever. Like, they should totally write Children's music because, huh? They knew she Mitch is about riding ahead washing song. And I was like, right here. Well, I had the idea for it. I tried it and do it on the podcast. So So live. L afford you.

spk_0:   23:09
Do you remember that? Rory, Read that. You have to wash your hands. For how long?

spk_1:   23:13
At least 20 seconds. 20 s o

spk_0:   23:17
right. So this song is 20 seconds. You can sing it to yourself out loud or in your head while washing your hands

spk_1:   23:26
to get the 22nd. That's awesome. So sing this to in your mind or out. Everybody. Everybody, everybody. Everybody crossed everybody. Everybody's washing Everybody, Everybody wants everybody. Everybody's watching everybody, Everybody's washing! Everybody! Everybody! Everybody! Everybody! Everybody! Everybody! Everybody! Everybody watch! All right, so seeing that while you wash your hands, you got 20 seconds right there I am.

spk_0:   24:32
Stay safe. Build your immune system.

spk_1:   24:34
Don't forget to rinse