The ROAMies Podcast
This travel-inspired podcast will inspire you to get out there, see the world, make a positive impact on the world, and to live your best life. Musical Duo, Rory and Alexa, The ROAMies, provide inspiration, resources, products and insights to facilitate Travel and living On-The-Go. This is for frequent travelers as well as those who WISH they were more active and out and about. You'll find practical tips, helpful info, Rory's bad "dad jokes" and his funny stories. In Season 6, you'll experience longer episodes that help you deep dive into cities and towns and experience them with a fresh perspective.
The ROAMies Podcast
Bonus Episode! Quasi Speed Travel Trivia with our Finnish Friend, Sami Asp
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Alexa and Rory
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The ROAMies
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Hi, I'm Alexa and I'm Rory, and together we are.
Speaker 2:The.
Speaker 1:Romies, we are married.
Speaker 2:To each other.
Speaker 1:Right, we are a touring musical duo.
Speaker 2:And our music has taken us to all kinds of places all around the world and keeps us always on the go.
Speaker 1:So we hope you enjoy our stories and adventures while running around working to keep all your plates spinning.
Speaker 2:And we hope to facilitate your busy lifestyle and feed your inner travel bug. Hi everyone, we are really excited to have kind of a pop-up episode. It was an unplanned episode, but we thought it would be fun.
Speaker 2:You know we've been doing this travel trivia throughout the year and I am not a fan of like trivia I don't know, probably because I feel like I would never know all the answers Any of the answers, I don't know, and so I've just never been a big trivia person, but I was, you know, we did them anyway and we called it dumb because we weren't doing a whole lot with it and because I'm not a big trivia, I'm not into trivia.
Speaker 2:But I was kind of just glancing at the rest of the cards, because we have like this whole stack of cards of from this travel trivia game that we got and I was like you know what this is actually like interesting stuff, like you actually learn stuff when you do this trivia, and so and I was looking through some of them, I thought it was interesting. I was like you know what, let's just do like a little dumb super speed trivia. And we were I was talking with my wonderful friend, sami, who is in Finland, and I thought Sami would be so fun to join us. So y'all welcome, sami Osp from Finland.
Speaker 3:Thank you, I'm so honored to be in your show.
Speaker 2:Yes, we are honored to have you.
Speaker 1:Tervetuloa, Sami Sami.
Speaker 3:Thank you. Thank you, my friends Awesome.
Speaker 2:So not only does he have to think about the actual answer to the question, but he has to think about them in English, and so this is like double challenge for Sami.
Speaker 1:Not for that brain of his, the massive brain in that head of his. He's brilliant.
Speaker 2:Yes, he is. First, rory and I are now in Kentucky. We've been traveling to get to Kentucky to be with my parents for Christmas and so we had that. We have the cats with us and we had one night in a hotel, and so that was yesterday morning. So, rory, let's talk about how the yesterday morning in the hotel went.
Speaker 2:We have the two cats and so first Ellie decided she had to do her meow kind of thing, and it's like we're in a hotel and that's a really loud cat meow. We were able to kind of stop her, but she was kind of the first interesting noise. And then had the guy outside speaking spanish on his phone right outside our door. That was really lovely, and then loudly. And then what else? There were other things. Then the fire alarm goes off in the hotel. Oh, but before that, I'm sorry, before that we had a car outside our window. The car was parked right outside our window and it was playing music and it was so loud from their car and it was making our room vibrate, and so we had this loud music from the car. Then the fire alarm went off in the whole hotel and so then that went off and Rory was trying to sleep through all of this.
Speaker 1:I managed it.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he just kind of turned his head the other way. I lay on my left side so that my right ear, which was the ear that was injured years ago, doesn't hear nearly as much. So you know, then I can continue sleeping.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm, so he's sleeping.
Speaker 1:The fire alarm and all this music.
Speaker 2:Then our cat Mozzzie was starting to meow a little bit, and but anyway, so that was our quiet morning yesterday, and nice, restful morning, yeah, especially when I'm trying to get enough sleep so I can get over a cold.
Speaker 1:And then all this stuff is happening, but and sleep enough, sleep to drive, but anyway.
Speaker 2:So these are how road trips go. Okay, sami.
Speaker 1:Welcome to downtown Memphis Tennessee.
Speaker 2:Yeah, all right, ready for trivia? Y'all, y'all can. I'm going to spat out the questions, because y'all are going to know the answers. Oh, and if y'all don't know, I'll just tell you real fast, since we're going to try to make this a fast one.
Speaker 1:All right. So it's me and you, Sami, our big brains.
Speaker 3:Wow, I hope you can get some of my words.
Speaker 2:At least you can't caption an audio thing. Okay, all right, here we go. Which country does feta cheese originate from?
Speaker 1:Greek Greece.
Speaker 2:Yes, if a British woman Come on, come on. Yeah, I know. If a British woman has a hairstyle with a fringe, what would her American counterpart have?
Speaker 1:Bangs.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 3:Hey, come on, it's too late here. The time difference is amazing. So just to let you know that this isn't fair.
Speaker 2:Also. Well, it's not a competition, Y'all are just sharing the wisdom.
Speaker 1:We're a team, you're a. The wisdom. You're a team, we're a team, sami, but also sami.
Speaker 2:Okay, sami, that sounds good, he has been in the studio all day and this is the end of his work day and his brain is fried, and so, um, he's got that going for him too yeah, yeah oh, and now my parents? Uh phone is ringing yeah, so all.
Speaker 1:so all right. Come on, sami Brain mail bro.
Speaker 3:I do my best. I have been only working 11 hours today, so Come on, I'm getting there, I'm getting there, okay.
Speaker 2:All right. Now this one's closer to you, because the question is which European city is home to the largest number of active opera houses in the world?
Speaker 3:Which city.
Speaker 1:I have a guess Vienna, that's what I was going to say, vienna, vienna.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Nope, it's Berlin, berlin, who knew? Come on Berlin, really, really Right.
Speaker 3:Berlin.
Speaker 1:What's wrong with the Germans? Yeah, I would not have gone there no okay, yeah in the movie Finding Nemo.
Speaker 2:Did you see that, sami Finding Nemo? Yeah, okay, what Australian city do Marlon and Dory have to swim to? I would have no idea.
Speaker 1:Well, it's going to be one of two Right Big cities.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:Australia. One of the big cities in Australia, not Perth.
Speaker 2:All right, I'm going to give you it. Sydney, there you go. Sydney, australia. Was it Sydney? Sydney you go. Sydney, australia, was it Sydney, Sydney yeah.
Speaker 3:Sydney. Oh yeah, I should have guessed, yeah.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 3:Yeah, me too.
Speaker 2:Which continent produces the most cocoa?
Speaker 3:Cocoa South America.
Speaker 2:That is a good guess. It's actually Africa.
Speaker 3:Africa Is it.
Speaker 2:It's Africa, is it yeah?
Speaker 3:Wow.
Speaker 2:Africa is the continent that produces the most cocoa.
Speaker 1:Okay, well, I missed that one, okay Okay.
Speaker 2:We go back to Europe now. Where can the only population of wild monkeys in europe be found?
Speaker 3:I, I guess the finland is not the option, but I, I I'd say from experience that there is some pretty wild monkeys over here. I've seen them, but um, monkeys, well, that's it. I, I didn't, I had no, no idea that there are some monkeys in Europe.
Speaker 2:But they're wild monkeys, so these are in Gibraltar, okay.
Speaker 1:Okay, well, they sneak Gibraltar into Europe. Give me a break, Come on.
Speaker 2:Okay, now which country's currency is represented as AUD Capital A, capital U capital D. That is their currency.
Speaker 1:Which country's currency is AUD?
Speaker 2:I will give you a hint that we've already discussed.
Speaker 3:Australian dollar yes, Way to go. Oh yeah, Come on. Come on. Come on First one. Yeah, I'm getting it.
Speaker 2:Good job, good job. In what city would you find red square? Oh, that's easy.
Speaker 3:Red In Russia, but it's in St Petersburg, moscow, moscow, moscow, yeah.
Speaker 2:All right.
Speaker 1:Rock on.
Speaker 2:Okay, I don't even know what this question means. What do revelers throw during the Indian Spring Festival of Holi Holi H-O-L-I.
Speaker 1:Huh, fried rice.
Speaker 2:They throw colored powder Tandoori. They throw colored powder and water. Okay, okay, okay.
Speaker 3:Yeah, they throw colored powder and water. Okay, okay, okay, yeah, I should have guessed that. Yeah, boy, you should have known that one.
Speaker 2:Sami, you have to know this because you're next door. What is the Swedish name for hot or cold dishes served as a buffet? Actually, I really should have.
Speaker 3:My last name is Swedish. So if I screw this one buffet, oh Actually I really should have. My last name is Swedish. So if I screw this one up.
Speaker 1:Yeah, come on, man, come on the name of a Swedish buffet, or what the Swedish call a buffet, a food buffet.
Speaker 2:Now we actually use this word in English.
Speaker 1:Oh, I know what it is then we have adopted it in English. I know what it is.
Speaker 2:And so it might not be.
Speaker 1:My guess is it starts with an S Sami oh Sma.
Speaker 2:And it's like a big board of food.
Speaker 1:Yes, we say I have, we pronounce it, I have no idea.
Speaker 2:Smarges board is how we pronounce it Smarges board is how it's spelled.
Speaker 3:Smarges board. Smorgasbord is how we pronounce it. Smorgasbord is how it's spelled smorgasbord. I haven't ever heard that, but I I, I suck in swedish, so so that could be the reason for that yeah, oh man, I think.
Speaker 2:I think it's probably that even the swedish might not use it very often, but it's something as americans have adopted. I don't think we even knew it was Swedish. So there you go.
Speaker 3:But just to get my background, I was in Sweden, I was playing a gig over there and I tried to use my Swedish and I asked who is the clock they?
Speaker 1:laughed me out of there.
Speaker 2:Who is the clock?
Speaker 3:What does that?
Speaker 2:mean, what did you?
Speaker 3:think you were asking. I tried to ask what is the time, so I pretty much I ask that who, who is the time or who is the clock?
Speaker 2:so I I haven't used my swedish since, yeah, yeah well, I can understand, yeah, and and yeah, for those of you listening, if you grow up in finland like Sami, did you have to learn Swedish?
Speaker 1:Some Swedish anyway in school.
Speaker 2:That's kind of you know, because it's right next door and you have to learn English and you have to learn Swedish.
Speaker 1:And some Finns speak Swedish as their first language.
Speaker 3:Right Swedish oh yeah, yeah, but I didn't know any word in Swedish, but I was dating the teacher's girl, so I got a good number from Swedish. I was the best from my class from boys, just because I was dating the daughter.
Speaker 1:That's awesome. Good call, good call oh yeah, oh, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:I love. It All right. What is the main language spoken in Morocco?
Speaker 1:I got it. It's Arab.
Speaker 3:Okay, arabic, arabic. Yeah, all right.
Speaker 2:Which American city is known as the Windy City?
Speaker 3:I have a guess on that one so where?
Speaker 1:what is Windy City? Where, yeah, which in this, an American city known as the Windy City? I mean, I'm gonna say it's the toddling town, chicago.
Speaker 2:Chicago, okay, that is okay.
Speaker 3:yeah, good to learn. They're on a big lake, a giant lake, one of the Great Lakes, and Chicago, chicago, okay, that is okay. Yeah, good to learn.
Speaker 1:They're on a big lake, a giant lake, one of the Great Lakes, and so the wind comes off there and changes their weather and everything.
Speaker 2:They're known as the Windy City, but probably Oklahoma is known as the windiest state, I would guess.
Speaker 1:The Tornado State.
Speaker 2:That's not a trivia question.
Speaker 1:Here's your next trivia question.
Speaker 2:All right here we go, what active volcano is located in Sicily?
Speaker 1:Ooh.
Speaker 2:I didn't know there was one, so much less do I know the name of it.
Speaker 3:but yeah, there is actually. Well, it's not Vesuvius, but it's Right.
Speaker 2:It's Mount something, mount something.
Speaker 1:Etna Yep, mount Etna, mount Etna, it's Etna Yep.
Speaker 3:Mount Etna, mount Etna, it's Etna. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, vesuvius.
Speaker 1:Good one.
Speaker 3:Rory, yes, yeah.
Speaker 1:Rory Yep. Vesuvius is outside of. Well, pompeii, obviously, but it's outside of. Yeah, what's the town? The greatest pizza, birthplace of pizza in Italy.
Speaker 2:Venice. No Ver town, the greatest pizza birthplace of pizza in italy, venice, no the birthplace of pizza. No, it's where capo is naples, italy, naples, yeah yeah, okay, all right, we've talked about this this country twice now. The great barrier reef can be found off which country?
Speaker 1:australia great, great, what great barrier reef. Oh yeah, well, you said it yeah, australia. Okay, oh yeah, australia.
Speaker 3:Great, what Great Barrier Reef? Oh yeah, well, you said it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, australia Okay.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:What is the currency of Denmark?
Speaker 1:Euro.
Speaker 2:Kroner. Danish Kron yes.
Speaker 3:Is it Still?
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 3:I still have my Danish money in my. We have been changing to Euro years ago but they are still keeping their money Okay.
Speaker 1:Or did they?
Speaker 2:No, I have Danish Kron in my passport thing. When we were there, we had Danish Kron, kroner, kroner. All right, the Japanese.
Speaker 3:It's good that you know. Yeah, that's because I have the answer. I'm living so far so.
Speaker 1:Yeah right, you're so far away, yeah.
Speaker 2:Okay, but we have the answers right here, so that's why? Well, I'm not looking. No, rory's not cheating. The Japanese dish fugu is deadly if it is not properly prepared. But what fish is it made from?
Speaker 3:You should know this one. I know this one. It's the pallokala in Finnish, so it is the round spiky fish.
Speaker 1:I have no idea what it is in English Pallo would be ball right, ball fish, so blowfish we call it because it blows itself up, but it's called a puffer fish.
Speaker 2:on the answer.
Speaker 1:Puffer fish, Puffer blow ballo, Come on.
Speaker 3:Okay, okay. I saw one of those when I was swimming in Japan.
Speaker 2:Ooh.
Speaker 3:That one.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's cool.
Speaker 3:It was probably good.
Speaker 2:Probably you are another Finn that we know that has visited Japan. We've done three episodes on Finns talking about Japan, because so many of y'all that we know go to japan. It's crazy oh, yeah, yeah, yeah okay, in which country would you find mount kilimanjaro? Kilimanjaro?
Speaker 1:kilimanjaro I not.
Speaker 2:Kenya. Nope, it is Ready, ready Tanzania.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, man I blew that one, wow All right, wow, what is the national dish of Hungary?
Speaker 1:I guess it depends on what you're in the mood for. I mean, if I'm in Switzerland, I'm hungry. I want, like you know, something with cheese.
Speaker 2:Okay, the answer is goulash Okay.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, Goulash yeah.
Speaker 2:Which city is home to the Hassan Bek Mosque?
Speaker 1:Oh my, I'm going to guess, I'm going to guess. I have no idea.
Speaker 3:I'm going to guess Cairo. Say it again. I got nothing from the word.
Speaker 2:Which city is home to the Hassan Bek Mosque?
Speaker 1:Okay, it's unexpected, yeah.
Speaker 2:Right, it's Tel Aviv.
Speaker 1:Tel Aviv, israel. That's totally unexpected. Ooh, okay, okay, I would not have gotten that one, wow, wow.
Speaker 2:In which US state would you find the Grand Canyon?
Speaker 3:In California, arizona, arizona. Oh, but you were right next door.
Speaker 2:Not right next door.
Speaker 3:Okay, okay, okay.
Speaker 1:Good call, good call. Okay, better geography than most Americans, that was good.
Speaker 2:Which Greek goddess is Athens named after Athenia? Yes, athena, athena, athena.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Which type of fish is used to make the Nordic fish gravandlox? Which type of fish is used to make the Nordic dish gravandlox Gravandlox.
Speaker 3:I have no idea. It may be Salomon, because everybody's giving Salomon over there.
Speaker 2:Yes, you are correct, salmon.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, come on, come on Two, I'm on the roll.
Speaker 2:You're on the roll, baby, come on. In which country would you find the Leaning Tower of Pisa?
Speaker 1:Which country would you find the Leaning Tower of Pisa? Italy?
Speaker 2:Yes, all right.
Speaker 1:You are all wrong. Come on, bro.
Speaker 2:Stolen is a traditional sweet bread. From which country?
Speaker 1:Well, it'd be a poor country if it was stolen.
Speaker 2:Stolen, I'm probably saying it wrong it's Germany. What is that? Stolen, s-t-o-l-l-e-n? Stolen, yeah, germany what?
Speaker 1:is that Stollen S-T-O-L-L-E-N Stollen Yep Germany, okay, okay, I had no idea.
Speaker 2:All right Now. Along those lines, the world's largest beer festival, oktoberfest, originated in which German city.
Speaker 3:I should know at least one.
Speaker 1:I'm going to guess it's in Bavaria, but I don't know the city.
Speaker 2:Oh, munich know at least one, I'm gonna guess it's in bavaria, but I don't know the city.
Speaker 3:Oh, munich, yep, munich, munich, yes, okay okay, yeah, all right.
Speaker 2:The fermented or rotten meat of which animal is the national dish of iceland?
Speaker 1:hmm well, I'm gonna guess fish again with salmon, but I don't know well, yeah, but there's a specific one, I'll tell you it's shark, it's okay, I I should have to say silaka in finnish, it's.
Speaker 3:It's the same, same fish, I think okay, all right.
Speaker 2:Well, there you go, we'll give you credit for that one. Yeah, you got that one, thank you, okay, cool. Which country is home?
Speaker 1:to Machu Picchu. I feel like we did that before I got it, what is? It South America yeah.
Speaker 3:Puh, puh, puh.
Speaker 2:Spit it out, Roy.
Speaker 3:Peru, peru, peru.
Speaker 2:Peru, peru, peru.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Come on, which iconic performing arts venue consists of a series of gleaming white, sail-shaped interlocking panels. What We've talked about this country before, we've even mentioned this city, before which iconic performing arts venue consists of a series of gleaming white, sail-shaped interlocking panels I think it's the opera house there in sydney, australia, right yes, sydney opera house. In which Chinese city would you find the forbidden city?
Speaker 3:I mean I have to say Beijing.
Speaker 2:Yes, that's right. That's right, Sammy, that was my guess too.
Speaker 1:Woo-hoo, ah-ha, come on, come on. Our minds have melded, finally Good job.
Speaker 2:Yep, okay, okay. In which city would you find the Brandenburg Gate?
Speaker 1:Ooh, okay, in which city would you find the brandenburg gate? Oh, you said it earlier, really, yeah, we both guessed it was the answer to one earlier it's in austria no, it's not oh, it's not in austria it is berlin, berlin.
Speaker 2:They went again. Okay, okay, I think of the austral hungarian people.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, they used to be, you know, combined.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, so I didn't just say yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Speaking of combinations, what three colors feature on the French flag? What three colors are on the French flag?
Speaker 1:Same as America right.
Speaker 3:Green, white oh, that's Mexico green white oh, that's mexico.
Speaker 2:Red blue what's the order? Yes, red white and blue. Yep, yep, any idea which country?
Speaker 1:is the 2000 movie battle royale set in. Oh yeah, oh, it's one of the small ideas it's what we talked.
Speaker 2:You saw your fish. That's the answer. Where you saw your fish? What country were you in when you saw your puffer fish?
Speaker 3:In Japan.
Speaker 2:Yes, there you go and.
Speaker 1:Japan, that's the answer oh wow, I totally blew that.
Speaker 2:All right. What United States city is known as the gateway to the west? I would have known this one. It is St Louis, Missouri.
Speaker 1:Well, I would have never got that.
Speaker 2:It is St Louis.
Speaker 1:Missouri. Well, I would have never got that. Nope, Nope oh no idea, no, wow After two men shake hands in Oman, what usually follows Exchanging my sandal I don't know what.
Speaker 2:A kiss on the nose.
Speaker 1:A kiss on the nose. A kiss on the nose, ooh oh.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 3:Next time I see you.
Speaker 1:It's better than fight. Yeah, definitely.
Speaker 2:In what country would you find the world's highest waterfall?
Speaker 3:I wouldn't have guessed that one.
Speaker 1:I'm going to say Is it Vic Falls?
Speaker 2:Nope Starts with a V, though.
Speaker 3:Brazil or Toronto. Nope Starts with a.
Speaker 2:B, though Brazil or Toronto. It is in Venezuela and it is called Angel Falls, wow.
Speaker 3:Oh, wow.
Speaker 1:We have to go there.
Speaker 2:I didn't know that we got to go there now, all righty. Which city is known as the Big Smoke? I've never even heard of it. The Big Smoke? I've never even heard of the Big Smoke. I've never even heard of it. Big smoke, the big smoke. I've never even heard of the big smoke.
Speaker 1:Well, when I watch TV shows that are shot in New Zealand, they talk about going to the big smoke, but it's a city in New Zealand. But then I've watched other shows from England and they talk about the big smoke and it's obviously not New Zealand. Okay, it's London.
Speaker 3:There was some smoke in LA, but I think it's a different thing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, totally, it should be called the big smoke, for sure. Yeah, so London is the big smoke.
Speaker 2:Okay, all right. Which US state does key lime pie come from?
Speaker 1:I know this one Sunny, warm, florida oh yeah, okay.
Speaker 2:We had an anniversary there one year and we had a Japanese restaurant some of the best Japanese food I ever had. You know where the cook serves you right on the thingy, oh yeah, and we got key lime pie. Excellent, yep Real good it was everything right about it. Oh yeah, oh yeah. Excellent Yep Realized it was everything right about it, so oh yeah. Oh yeah, what is chimichurri sauce traditionally served with in Argentina?
Speaker 1:Well, argentina is famous for their beef, so maybe beef.
Speaker 2:Good Steak, steak, steak is the answer Okay.
Speaker 3:Wow, rory, come on, You're really good at this.
Speaker 2:Come on man Now Sami.
Speaker 3:I'm so blessed that you are in my team, Otherwise Team Finland wouldn't have a lot of credits at the moment.
Speaker 1:Come on man.
Speaker 2:Well, team Alexa would be at zero. So you're good. Oh, you're rocking it. Okay, so now Samba, but you have to get this one. In which country would you find Mount Fuji? Because, again.
Speaker 3:In Japan, in Japan. Yes yes, fuji-san.
Speaker 2:Okay, see Nice. He even knows it in Japanese. Yes, yes, fujisan.
Speaker 1:Okay, see Nice he even knows it in Japanese.
Speaker 2:Our cat Mozzie has come in and he's trying to wrap presents. Okay, who was the first person to sail directly from Europe to India? Oh, this is a history question who was the first person to sail directly from Europe to India? It wasn't Columbus, I was going to say Christopher Columbus, vasco da Gama, oh yeah.
Speaker 3:Oh, I should have known that. Yeah, that's what I've been reading about.
Speaker 2:Okay now, sami, you answered the answer for this. You answered previously and you answered incorrectly, but if you say this one this time, you'll the answer for this. You answered previously and you answered incorrectly, but if you say this one this time, you'll get it right. Which Russian city was formerly known as Leningrad?
Speaker 1:That's. Oh yeah, I was there the day they changed the name back from Leningrad to the old name. I was in St Peter's book.
Speaker 3:Yes, petrograd, yeah, good job.
Speaker 2:Oh, which city do croissants originate from?
Speaker 1:Which city.
Speaker 2:Which city.
Speaker 1:Oh, I'm going to guess Paris.
Speaker 2:Right, but no, it's Vienna what?
Speaker 1:What? Oh, come on, come on, it should be a German name.
Speaker 2:I hope they have verified these answers, because you wouldn't expect that.
Speaker 3:Wow Okay, yep.
Speaker 2:Alright, which North American country's name translates as Rich Coast? Hmm, north.
Speaker 1:America Costa.
Speaker 2:Rica, costa Rica.
Speaker 1:That's South American.
Speaker 2:Rich Coast? Which North American country's name?
Speaker 1:Costa Rica is North America.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:Middle.
Speaker 2:Just reading what it says, I wouldn't say. North America to South.
Speaker 3:They are making this hard.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they're making it hard which country would you find the city of Petra I?
Speaker 1:Ooh, I know, I think I know, try it Israel.
Speaker 3:Jordan no, yes.
Speaker 2:Jordan.
Speaker 3:Jordan Okay.
Speaker 2:It's so hard to stop because they keep going. Dubai does not have a standard address system, so there are no addresses or postcodes, true or false, in.
Speaker 1:Dubai.
Speaker 2:Dubai does not have a standard address system, so there are no addresses or postcodes True or false In Dubai. Dubai does not have a standard address system, so there are no addresses or postcodes True or false.
Speaker 1:I don't know, it's so ridiculous I guess I'll say true.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I would go that bit too if they have a skating hall in the desert.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they wouldn't know where to find it. Okay, yes, true, it's true.
Speaker 1:Wow yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, amazing.
Speaker 1:Okay, when you're that rich, you don't need to have an address.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, it's just by name, I just go by name In which US state.
Speaker 1:Would you find Mount Rushmore? Oh, I got this one. You probably won't get this one, though I'll give you a guess. I should know it. But South Dakota, South Dakota.
Speaker 2:Okay, now we're going to go back to your neck of the woods, sami, the name of which, alrighty Yep, the name of which Scandinavian capital, begins and ends with the same letter. That's tricky.
Speaker 1:Scandinavian capital. So it's a Scandinavian capital and the name of the city begins and ends with the same letter.
Speaker 3:Would it be same in English than in Finnish? That's a good question.
Speaker 1:Exactly, that's the whole thing. You guys like Suomi and we say Finland, so that doesn't match at all. Yeah, yeah, so depending on the language, it may not. Ah wait, I have one in my head what's the capital of Sweden?
Speaker 3:Oh, it's Oslo. Yep, there you go, hey come on, come on, come on, come on Come on Sami Good job, good job. It's the same in Finnish and English. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Okay, there you go.
Speaker 3:That was a good one, all right.
Speaker 2:Okay, leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper mural is displayed in which city?
Speaker 1:Is it Vatican City?
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:It's in Seems like Rome would be too easy of an answer. If it's not Rome, my next guess would be Firenze. Oh that, yep, florence.
Speaker 2:The answer is Milan.
Speaker 1:Oh, Milan, yeah, oh, should have been a question about clothing or something like that. Oh yeah, yeah man.
Speaker 2:If you were sucking on phoenix claws in China, what would you be eating? Phoenix, if you were sucking on phoenix claws in China, what would you be eating?
Speaker 1:First of all, sucking on phoenix claws just sounds offensive, so I'm going to pass on this one and give it over to Sami. I have no idea. No, no idea.
Speaker 2:Chicken's feet.
Speaker 1:Chicken feet Okay, that's good to know. Okay, yeah, boy, wow Okay that's good to know.
Speaker 2:Okay, yeah, boy, wow, okay, um, sami, since you had some time in this area, maybe you might know in which us state is the pacific coast highway?
Speaker 3:california. I've been living there, studying there yeah, sami knows that one yeah okay, sami, this one's for you too.
Speaker 2:What is the currency of Japan called? What's the currency of Japan?
Speaker 3:Yeah, I should have known I have been there four times. Yeah, come on, man, like one month per time. So it's jenny. Jenai, how do you say it in English?
Speaker 2:Yen.
Speaker 3:It's yen Japanese Yen, okay, yeah, it's Yen in Finnish Okay.
Speaker 2:Well, there you go. How appropriate. Wow, there you go. Yeah, okay. What nationality was the team that reached the South Pole first in 1911? What nationality was the team that reached the South Pole first in 1911?
Speaker 1:I will give you a hint. I don't know why it popped into my mind, but Argentina came to my mind.
Speaker 2:No, it's going to be in Portuguese. It's going to be in Sami's neck of the world.
Speaker 3:Really.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's one of your. They group you with one of these countries here when they group Finland as a Scandinavian country.
Speaker 1:Oh well, then we have to talk about the fjords of Norway.
Speaker 3:Norway, england, denmark, norway.
Speaker 2:Yep, yep, all right Along those lines. What is the Aurora Borealis, more commonly known as?
Speaker 1:In English. Anyway, what? The Northern Lights? Ah, the Aurora Borealis.
Speaker 3:What was the question?
Speaker 2:The question was what is the Aurora Borealis, more commonly known as?
Speaker 3:Okay, I know it as Revontulet, so I have no idea. What is it in English?
Speaker 1:That's awesome, then we're gonna go with your answer. Good job. Okay that's right Revontulet.
Speaker 3:Revontulet yeah.
Speaker 2:Okay, great, in English that would be the northern lights.
Speaker 3:Okay, okay, yeah, I should have known that also of course you did.
Speaker 2:You just wanted to say and finish, because it's cooler which city was known as edo or edo, edo until 1816 oh my, which city was known as edo until edo, until 1868. I'll give you a hint sami's been there and we've talked about him going there a couple times, four times.
Speaker 3:Oh really.
Speaker 1:Really, maybe Tokyo.
Speaker 3:Yes, tokyo, really, exactly, really. Well, I haven't been around at the time, so maybe I haven't heard the earlier name.
Speaker 1:Bummer Yep.
Speaker 3:Oh man.
Speaker 2:In which country might you attend a kabuki performance?
Speaker 1:Kabuki.
Speaker 3:Kabuki Doesn't ring any bells, the word I mean I will give our listeners a hint.
Speaker 2:It's a place sami has been four times one month each really. Oh, let's guess japan we will do one final question sounds awesome okay, I was gonna skip the movie ones. But, rory, you might know this because you know y'all might both know this. These are kind of movies you're into. Best friends harry dune and lloyd christmas travel to aspen color. And which movie, harry Dunn and Lloyd Christmas? I'd say Dumb and Dumber, I don't know. Yes, oh, yeah.
Speaker 3:Oh wow, it's a movie about us Come on Rory.
Speaker 1:It's a movie about us man, dumb and Dumber.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, you know the good ones, classics.
Speaker 1:I knew y'all could get that one. Yeah, classic cinema.
Speaker 3:It tells about the moment Dumb and dumber.
Speaker 1:Yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 3:And I know which one I am.
Speaker 2:Yeah well, sami, I would be the dumbest. So you're good, you're safe, sami, thank you so much. We had so much fun with this and we all learned some new things and just had a good time doing it. It's a good road trip activity to uh, do some world travel trivia while you're thanks to you, I mostly learned, but it was really awesome.
Speaker 3:there's some things I should have known, but uh, but I I think we should have these, these kind of things, once a month. Yeah, we can get better and better.
Speaker 2:Better and better. That's a good idea.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Well, sami, it's so great to see you, so great to talk with you, and thank you so much for joining our podcast and just ending the year on a fun note, and we look forward to seeing you in person in 2025.
Speaker 3:Thanks for having me. It's been my pleasure and I really looking forward to see you guys.
Speaker 2:We hope we've inspired you this episode so join us next time. Please subscribe to rate and share our podcast with your friends or you know whomever? And please like and follow us on Instagram, youtube and Facebook.
Speaker 1:We are also on X and on all social platforms. We are at TheRomies that's T-H-E-R-O-A-M-I-E-S, and our main hub is our website.
Speaker 2:At wwwtheromiescom, that's right. That's T-h-e-r-o-a-m i-e-s dot com. We'll be there until next time. Yeah, thanks for listening. Bye.