The ROAMies Podcast
This travel-inspired podcast will inspire you to get out there, see the world, make a positive impact on the world, and to live your best life. Musical Duo, Rory and Alexa, The ROAMies, provide inspiration, resources, products and insights to facilitate Travel and living On-The-Go. This is for frequent travelers as well as those who WISH they were more active and out and about. You'll find practical tips, helpful info, Rory's bad "dad jokes" and his funny stories. In Season 6, you'll experience longer episodes that help you deep dive into cities and towns and experience them with a fresh perspective.
The ROAMies Podcast
Finding Our Inspiration in Lancaster, California
57 MURALS and counting!! Take the Mural tour! visit: lancastermoah.org/antelope-valley-walls
Just Northwest of Los Angeles, hidden in rolling hills, lies an unexpected and inspiring jewel, waiting to be discovered by you: Lancaster, California.
Being artists and songwriters, we are always on the hunt for inspiration to give us new ideas, fresh perspectives, and interesting stories. Lancaster did not disappoint. And inspiration is waiting there for you, as well.
Spring is the perfect time to visit Lancaster. The drive from Los Angeles takes you through beautiful countryside, as the winter rains (yes, even in Southern California) give rise to happy hills of lush green grass and flowers. In the distance you can still see snow capped mountains and the windmills that lead you to Tehachapi. The enchanting drive calls you to explore. As you approach exit 162 for CA-14 North, the hills open to reveal the broad dessert valley that houses Lancaster, Antelope Valley. And like 19th century prospectors struck with gold fever, the dream of discovering this gem drew us in. We found inspiration in 3 major categories: Nature, Flight, and Art. We cover these areas in depth and share a story or two in this episoe.
Enjoy the sunshine and beautiful scenery. Lancaster is full of inspiring and unique parks! Here are a few highlights:
Prime Dessert Woodland Preserve is like a walk through living history. An easy trail and clearly marked paths take you through various segments of desert landscape. And, along the way, experience an infusion of local art as you sneak up on occasional animal sculptures spaced throughout this peaceful, tranquil experience.
Spring is an ideal time to visit Lancaster and walk through fields of orange California poppies in the Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve. In this California State Park, even purple and white flowers make an appearance. In order to keep the fields in a strictly natural state, California State Parks does not water or stimulate the flowers. The park service also excludes sheep and cattle from grazing the hillsides. Up until the early 1970s, sheep once grazed the buttes in the western Antelope Valley.
If you’re into really awesome geology, which I personally dig, you will find awesome sandstone formations just near Lancaster! Like The Devil’s Punchbowl with wonderful hikes, and even horse riding. And if you enjoy these sandstone formations, you can day trip from Lancaster and explore Vasquez Rocks Natural Area and Nature Center, and Red Rock Canon State Park, which has The Red Cliffs Trail.
The Apollo Community Regional Park provides a scenic, peaceful walking area with multiple ponds filled with ducks and water fowl that seem eager to accept any stale bread you might bring along. Maybe bring a p
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Alexa and Rory
The ROAMies
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